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Labels: Automatic update, Website reviews
Hi, blogger / postie. Are you enjoying blogging much? If yes instead of blogging only for hobby why don't you try to make money from it? You can put ads, join affiliations and did you ever know that there are sites that would pay you for posting? is one of the best and I encourage you to join it.
Labels: Blogger Tips, money making, Website reviews
I was tagged with some fun blogging questions from Lord Story
Participants: 1. Me and Mine 2.Creative In Me 3.Little Peanut 4. Pea in a Pod 5. Sugar Magnolias 6. The Salad Caper 7. All Kinds of Me Stuff 8. Aggie Scraps. 9. Winding Creek Circle 10. Mommy Talks. 11. Fun | Fierce | Fabulous 12. Me, Myself + 2 13. Confessions of a Supermodel Wannabe 14. My Online World! 15. My Life in this Wonderful World! 16. My Precious Nice 17. Just Me.. Eds 18. Eds Mommy Life 19. Thea is BloggerHappy 20. Thea is BerryScrappy too 21. Swept Away 22. A Slice of Life. 23. Jenny Said So 24. This and That 254. Simply Jen 26. Dancing With Butterflies 27. Blessed Chic 28. Just Let Go 29. Twisted Angel 30. Pieces of Me 31.buhaymisis 32. 33. Krississippi 34. My Colorful World 35. My Wonderful Life 36. Sweet Temptation 37. My so-called Life 38. Lynn’s Chic Spot 39. In Seventh Heaven 40. Lindsay Talks 41. Fun Without Frills 42. MindBubbles 43. VanityKit 44. SomethingPurple 45. Stripe&Yellow 46. Em’s Detour 47. Jean’s Live it Up… 48. BLOGSILOG 49. Cherry’s Comfort Zone 50. DigiScrapz: Captured Memories 51. Thinking Out Loud 52. Buzzy Me 53. Wishing and Hoping 54. PRC Board Exam Results 55. Filipino Jobs Abroad 56. Jobs for Davao 57. We are Family 58. Momma Stuff 59. Pinay WAHM 60. Teacher’s Corner 61.My Simple Joys 62. Gagiers Striking Zone 63. Gagiers Amazing World 64. Caroland’s Breathtaking Adventure 65. My Life, My Fashion, My World 66. Kusina ni Gagiers 67. WilStop 68. Dare to Blog 69. Lets Travel Philippines 70. Life Realities 71. WebGeek Journal… 72. WebGeek Journal 73. Webline Help Desk 74. BlogHop 75. Simply Me 76. A Mothers Horizon 77. Crissy’s Zone 78. Crissy’s Haven 79. Sunny Side Up Foodie & Lifestyle 80. Almanac Queen 81. Alamak OiOi 82. Lost in Love 83. The Pit of Gadgetry! 84. My daily life Experience 85. My life is Peachy 86. My Simple Joys 87. Glamour-Vanity 88. Angelic-Mist 89. M.Glamour-Vanity 90. Just Blogging It 91. Text Messages 92. Nierva Dot Com 93. Thoughts and Beyond 94. Photos 95. Davao Life 96. Davao Food Trip 97. Journey in Life 98. Tere’s World 99. Blessings in Life 100. Julai’s Corner 101. It’s Leisure Time 102. Tidbits and more 103. Strong and Healthy Living 104. Bucks from Home 105. whenmomspeaks 106. Bloghop 107. My Daily Discourse 108. My Point Of View 109. coicoi’s World 110. Dave Lucas’ Notes
111. A Life in Bloom 112. Digiscraptology 113. Because Life is a Blessing 114. Deranged Insanity 115. Traipsey Turvey 116. PierrEzrah 117.Picture Clusters 118. Maiylah’s Snippets 119. My Wanderings … 120. Femikey Thoughts 121. A Handful of Surprises 122. My Paper Scraps 123. Digitally Diane 124. Somewhere Over the Rainbow 125. When Silence Speaks 126. Kitty’s haven 127. Life Quest 128. Pinay Mommy Online 129. Aeirin’s Collections 130. Biz N Honey 131. expressions and thoughts 132. Glamorous Slyph 133. denzRecreational 134. BaReFooTeD Me 135. DeCaFFeiNaTeD 136. Miss Write 137. Geek Chic Guru 138. Mommy Earns Money Online 139. Pexlinks Triple Love 140. MicsArt 141. Crissy’s Library 142. ‘Story’ the Great 143. SeeNRead 144. Journey And Journal 144. Life Is A Gift 145. STAY AT HOME MOM 146. Nita’s Random Thoughts 147. Nita’s Corner 148. Great Finds and Deals 149. My Wandering Thoughts 150. Thomas Web Links 151. Batuananons 152. Filipino Online Community 153. Thomas Travel Tales 154. Make Money Online 155. PRC Board Exam Results 156. Famous Lyrics Collections 157. Recipe Collections 158. reviewhere
1. Add your blog/s to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. It’s okey if you only post this questions in one blog as long as you answer them.
2. Get back to Me {YEN} and I’ll add your blogs to the master’s list here!
3. Tag as many friends online you know. But you don’t need to be tag in order to join.
1. I posted this experiment at URL:
2. I posted this on date (day, month, year): Friday June 2008
3. I posted this at time (24 hour time): 5:27 am
4. My posting location is (city, state, country): Medan, Indonesia
5. My blog is hosted by: Blogger
6. My age is: 21 yrs old.
7. My gender is: Male
8. My occupation is: Proud unemployed
9. I use the following RSS/Atom reader software: No sure
10. I use the blog format to post to my blog: Wordpress
11. I have been blogging since (day, month, year): I forgot the exact date. I erased my very first blogspot. But I was blogging since 2008.
12. My web browser is: Firefox
13. My operating system is: Windows XP
Labels: Blogger Tips
Fantasy Baseball - 10,000ec — You can trade in 10,000ec for, like, Graham’s car or something.
Q3-n - 5000ec — Q3-n is selling their 1950s dinette furniture to finance this contest. They say, “You’re welcome.”
Øblog - 4000ec — Wow! 4000ec is going for like $30 on the Entrecard market. Thanks, Weird Oh.
Evil Woobie - 3000ec — Hey, maybe she’s not so evil after all! Or is she? You make the call!
Turnip of Power - 1001ec — He was going to go with 1000 then he found an extra credit in his couch. Thanks, Turnip!
Celebrity Pictures - 1000ec — Credits were acquired through legal means. Supposedly.
Evil Entrecard Kid! - 1000ec — Entrecard trivia: Evil Woobie and Evil Entrecard Kid are not related. Yet.
Modern Glam - 1000ec — With the 1000ec, perhaps you’ll buy an imaginary 1000ec pashmina and hang it around your virtual neck.
Dot Com Mogul - 1000ec — With this 1000ec, you might be able to buy back Q3-n’s dinette furniture.
Blabberwocky - 1000ec — It’s a play on Jabberwocky.
Looking For Scoop - 1000ec — Nothing says “I can buy one popular ad” like 1000ec. - 1000ec — And she’ll teach you how she does that weird signature thing. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, look at her site.
Travelin’ Show - 1000ec — Message from the year 2012: Macy’s is now taking credits and a 1000 gets you one earring.
The Hypnotist - 1000ec — She will put you under a spell. Recognize!
Diet Pulpit - 1000ec — You can buy a lot of imaginary rice cakes with 1000ec. Side note, imaginary rice cakes taste better than real ones.
The Realtor - 500ec — You want insight. Listen to her write. It’s like magic beans growing in the backyard of your brain.
Romelo - 500ec — Romelo, Romelo, wherefore art thou 500ec? - 500ec — With gas prices soaring, it won’t be too long before 500ec goes for 501ec.
Inspire Emotion - 500ec — Almost pay for your favorite 512ec ad!
Sue Doe-Nim - 500ec — She’ll probably give you the credits then mock you for wanting them. That’s right — bonus!
Thailand Land of Smiles - 500ec — Actually, that’s 500 smiles.
FitnessLifeClub - 500ec — You’ll have to promise not to blow these credits on any fattening foods.
Lisa Cooking - 500ec — Surprise the whole family with 500 Entrecard credits.
JunkieYard Dot Com - 500ec — If you put these credits in a 401K, in 45 years you’ll have enough credits for a free e-card.
Movie Reviews - 500ec — You can’t buy a movie ticket with Entrecard credits. Yet. (Graham twirls his mustache. Contemplating world domination.)
Aerten Art - She’s donating a painting. Seriously. Go look at her site and tell me you wouldn’t want a painting. Now. We’ll wait.
ImpNERD - 125×125 ad for a month — Let’s see, ImpNERD usually sells advertising for 256ec/day. You get this for a month. Um, yeah, you want this.
PoemsofQuotes - A cheesy poem about the winner’s topic — Win this and then ask them to rhyme something with, “Orange.” - A custom made 125×125 card. Some of you need this. You know who you are.
Diet Pulpit - One week ad spot right below the banner and a personal greeting from Lady Rose saying, “Congratulations!”
JunkieYard Dot Com - Three blogroll links. Okay, the thing is, you can’t just get these. They’re prizes only won here.
The Hypnotist - A Hypnotic Audio - I don’t think this will simply be trance music. I could be wrong.
Together this is a virtual truckload of credits and prizes. (But who’s counting?) There will be ONE WINNER for EACH prize. (Caps are for emphasis, not aesthetics.) So that means there will be hundreds (or maybe dozens) of winners. Wow. Okay, again and backwards — wow.
1. Write about this contest and just mention the one prize you want to win. Then leave a comment on this blog post at the Entrecard blog with the link for them to see. Worth 1 Entry
2. Write about this contest on your blog, mention the prize you want to win and copy all of the sponsors. Then leave a comment on this blog post at the Entrecard blog with the link for them to see. Worth 2 Entries
Labels: Entrecard
Labels: Scam and phising, Web information, Website reviews
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