Thursday, June 5, 2008


Blog information:

What can you get from there?
The writer would share her travelling experiences which include pictures and personal stories. Those pictures are taken from several countries which in my opinion are pretty nice.

Recommended best for:

  1. Those who like travelling or sightseeing.
  2. Those who want view pictures taken from several countries especially in Asia.

Feedback for author:

(+) About this blog:

  1. The menu bar is really nice which allow visitors to choose post about countries which they want to read.
  2. Nice pictures you got there!

(-) About this blog:

  1. There are waste spaces in right sidebar.
  2. There is too much text in right sidebar.
  3. Need to fill form, send message on community, post comment and etc to contact.

  1. Why don’t you move fave technoarti banner and etc from the footer to fill one of the spaces in right sidebar? It will be more visible for your visitors to fave, add or join your community.
  2. Why don’t you make slideshow of pictures in your post?
  3. Add something such as shoutbox for instant feedback from visitors.


Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks so much for taking the time to review my blog. Appreciate it:) Regarding your suggestions, this is my response 1) The buttons are at the footer to load last. Technorati faving and things are not important IMHO.
2) there are already too many images, and adding a slideshow had slowed down the blog loading time. I have slideshow in some posts.
3) I had a shoutbox for more than a year and removed it last month due to inconsiderate spamming from visitors.

Stefen said...

You're welcome. :)

I see, sorry I didn't notice those posts. Shoutbox might not have captcha on it but I'm sure that it have IP blocking which you can use to avoide spam.

Btw I have adde your blog on my entrecard drop list at my previous post.

Anonymous said...

Stefen, it's great to see what you are doing to help your fellow bloggers. How do I add my blog to the entrecard drop list?

Stefen said...

It is for those who have registered at entrecard. :)